NF EN 13480-2 Août 2002. Annulée le 26/10/2012 Tuyauteries industrielles métalliques - Partie 2 : matériaux Directive(s) européenne(s) Nouvelle Approche :.


18 Sep 2017 SS-EN 13480-2:2012/A2:2016, utgåva 1. The European Standard EN 13480-2: 2017 has the status of a Swedish Standard. This document 

en 14917:2009 : metal bellows expansion joints for pressure applications: i.s. en 10253-2:2007 EN ISO 4126 ISO 4126 EN 764-1:2015+A1:2016 EN 13480-6:2017 EN 764-7:2002 EN 764-2:2012 EN 13480-2:2017 EN 13480-3:2017 EN 13480-5:2017 EN 13480-4:2017 EN 13480-8:2017 EN 16668:2016+A1:2018 CEN/TR 13480-7:2002 Incorporates the following: Amendment, January 2020 EN 13480-3: 2002-05 / 8.3; FDBR-M. 2004: cut out, cut out re-inforcements Selected Joints : Neck or mainpipe reinforced / non reinforced, - with disc The figures are not defining the construction, they are only for indication of necessary dimensions of the calculation. cap, head, reducer, flange, armature correct Note to ČSN EN 13480-2:2013: Nahrazena ČSN EN 13480-2 (130020) z února 2018 Změna A2-3.17 : Změna A1-5.14 : Customers who Metallic industrial piping – Part 2: Materials Close. DS/EN 13480-2:2017 This standard (DIN EN 13480-2:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 267 "Industrial piping and pipelines", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible German committee is NA 012-00-55 AA at the Chemical Apparatus Standards Committee (FCNA).

En 13480-2

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Обозначение: СТ РК EN 13480-2-2013. MSZ EN 13480-2:2013. Fémből készült ipari csővezetékek. 2. rész: Anyagok. • MSZ EN 10204:2005. • Fémtermékek.

EVS-EN 13480-2:2002 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials General information Withdrawn from 05.09.2012 Base Documents. EN 13480-2:2002 ICS Groups. 23.040.01 Pipeline components and pipelines in general

ISBN, 91-37-13480-9, 978-91-37-13480-2. Antal sidor, 223 sidor. Klassifikation, Lz Mandela, Nelson  ISBN 978-91-37-13480-2. Norges bortglömda front under kalla kriget ISFRONT av Asbjørn Jaklin När andra världskriget övergick till kalla kriget

Download BS EN 13480-2-2017 Comments. Report "BS EN 13480-2-2017" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. Your name. Email. Reason. Description. Submit Close. Share & Embed "BS EN 13480-2-2017" Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed. Embed

—. —. 13,480 2 4. Extra utgifter t. Anslag. 15,000 —. 15,000 —.

EN 13480-2:2017/A2:2018.
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En 13480-2

Operating mode, Process data operation with 2 words. Diagnostics  101060.03 MANGUEIRA R2AT-2SN 3/16″ – VITILLO, Solicitar Preço. 101060.03BF MANGUEIRA R2AT-2SN 3/16″ – BFLUID, Solicitar Preço.

Following the publication of the new Edition EN 13480-1-2-3-4-5-6 and -8:2017 (so called "consolidated version") in June 2017, 3 additional Amendments EN 13480-2:2017/A1:2018, A2:2018 and A3:2018 have been published in October 2018 for Part 2 on "Materials".
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DIN EN 13480-2 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials; German version EN 13480-2:2012. standard by DIN-adopted European Standard, 11/01/2013. This document has been replaced. View the most recent version. View all product details

Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 13480-2:2017 Industriella rörledningar av metalliska material - Del 2: Material. Status: Upphävd Europastandarden EN 13480-2:2017 gäller som svensk standard. Standarden fastställdes 2017-08-24 som SS-EN 13480-2:2017 och har utgivits i engelsk språkversion. Detta dokument återger EN 13480-2:2017 i svensk språkversion.

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une en 13480-2 : 2017 : metallic industrial piping - part 2: materials: i.s. en 1092-1:2007 : flanges and their joints - circular flanges for pipes, valves,fittings and accessories, pn designated - part 1: steel flanges: i.s. en 14917:2009 : metal bellows expansion joints for pressure applications: i.s. en 10253-2:2007

Submit Close. Share & Embed "BS EN 13480-2-2017" Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed. Embed EN 13480, Metallic industrial piping consists of eight interdependent and not dissociable Parts which include: — Part 1: General — Part 2: Materials — Part 3: Design — Part 4: Fabrication and installation — Part 5: Inspection and testing — Part 6: Additional requirements for buried piping — CEN/TR 13480-7 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials - SS-EN 13480-2:2012/A3:2018This document specifies the requirements for steel products used for industrial piping and supports DIN EN 13480-2 Corrigendum 1. December 2015 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials; German version EN 13480-2:2012, Corrigendum to DIN EN 13480-2:2014-12 5 BS EN 13480-2:2017 EN 13480‐2:2017 (E) Issue 1 (2017‐06) 1 Scope This Part of this European Standard specifies the requirements for materials (including metallic clad materials) for industrial piping and supports covered by EN 13480‐1 manufactured from of metallic materials.

View the "EN 13480-2:2017" standard description, purpose. Or download the PDF of the directive or of the official journal for free.

Or download the PDF of the directive or of the official journal for free.

Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials; German version EN 13480-2:2012, Corrigendum to DIN EN 13480-2:2014-12 Historical Version DIN EN 13480-2/A2 - DRAFT Purchase your copy of BS EN 13480-2:2017+A3:2018 as a PDF download or hard copy directly from the official BSI Shop.